Saturday, March 20, 2010

The end...sry friends =(

Alright Blog Followers, I have some sad news...I'm surrendering blogging. =( I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I just can't keep up and I'm still so far behind. Since my last post I've been up to soo much that I don't even know where to begin. I'm even behind at posting pictures...Also, Jayme's computer broke and she had to send it home so we're sharing now which leaves less time for it's a combination of everything really.
I lose my internet in my apartment in a week anyway so it would have happened sooner or later...But when I get home I'll see about typing up my 'bed side' journal and posting that. Sorry for the disappointing news, but please know that I'm having too much fun and taking too many pictures. (Which is another reason I have no time to blog.) Can't wait to see you all in a month! Take care. Cheers!