Monday, February 8, 2010

Thisty Thursday?


Good morning to me, woke up to discover an email stating that I was awarded a scholarship from the Foundation of Asia Pacific Education…yeah get it Shar! So that pretty much made my day.

Also, making my day was the fact that Thursday is our last day of work for the week. Together Jayme and I finished reformatting that huge binder (which looks great by the way) and we got going on a project for the Healthy Athletes Program (or HAP)! We’re both liking the office more and more, we’re getting to know the people and the time seems to be speeding by. And now that we’ll be doing more for the HAP, so it’ll be more beneficial for our life, I guess you could say. We are given a 45-minute lunch break where we go to the middle of the mall (its outside) and eat our lunch and people watch. Sometimes we wonder around but we usually don’t go too far from work.

Along with finishing the Media Release binder we also finished the HAP Passport for the athletes. Afterward, we asked Jen what else there was to do and she said, “there wasn’t anything at the moment, so I’ll just give you girls and early mark for the day.” AKA –go home early!!! (woot-woot) It was quarter past 3 and we were only leaving 45 minutes early but it felt so good to peace out for our long weekend a little early. We also learned that we will be attending the committee meeting on Monday evenings so from now on we don’t have to be in until noon on Mondays, but then we’ll work thru till 7. All sounded peachy to me!

Soooo after our “early mark” on Thursday we headed down to the beach…but unfortunately is was bloody windy- like sooo windy we could barely stand= no sun for us. (But the waves looked sweet) We ended up shopping around in the sweet shops down in Glenelg and catchin the tram back to Adelaide for some din din with the other girls. We decided on Chinese and I order Mongolian beef-which was served on a patter shaped like a cow! Just sayin’… Jayme and I indulged in some house wine-that was so delicious we ordered another bottle. Ooops, not sorry.

After dinner, Jayme and I were feeling pretty jazzy and the other girls, not so much. Turns out I have an internal GPS, cuz even though my inhibitions were a bit impaired…I was able to lead the girls in the right direction->home! Quoting Jayme: “Drunk or sober, I'd follow Shar any day...she always knows where she's going!" lol We put our leftovers in the fridge and headed back out. Met a friend in the lift that was from Ecuador his name was Nik-o-las and he was going out for a beer too. So we followed him to the bar he was headed and became friends on the way. We hung out with Nik-o-las and his buddy from New Zealand and then headed home. Nothing too jazzy for a Thursday night, but the girls and I were kinda glad we finally had some friends other than each other. =)


  1. Im pretty sure shar me and u found our way back to morts frat wasted while mort got lost and had to follow us!!

  2. haha...see I always have such a wonderful sense of direction! Thanks for getting my back on that one, Trav;)
